The Benefits of Baby Massage: When to Start and What to Know

When it comes to caring for a newborn, parents often wonder when is the right time to start massaging their baby. Learn more about the benefits of baby massage and when to start.

The Benefits of Baby Massage: When to Start and What to Know

When it comes to caring for a newborn, parents often wonder when is the right time to start massaging their baby. While there are no established guidelines regarding the minimum age for starting the baby's massage, it can be given a nourishing touch from birth. However, some babies may find formal, structured massage too stimulating in the first few weeks. If your baby is facing certain adverse medical problems, it is best to consult the baby's doctor about the ideal massage routine.

The best time to massage a baby is when he is alert, rested and seems interested in the environment. The “I love you” massage is a massage suitable for when your baby suffers from constipation, gas or colic. Check with your baby's pediatrician if the baby has any underlying medical conditions that may interfere with the massage. Using oil can make massage easier for parents and more relaxing for their baby.

However, there is limited evidence as to which oil is best used for baby massage. When you massage your baby, you will increase their awareness of the position and movement of their body. This can help them fall asleep faster and stay asleep due to the regulation of melatonin levels. Surprisingly, local massage after vaccination in infants could have significant benefits for the little one.

If you are starting to massage your newborn before the umbilical stump has fallen off, be sure to avoid the belly area or be very, very careful about it. After consulting your pediatrician, you can follow the above-mentioned massage procedure if the baby suffers from jaundice. Massaging towards the heart helps increase blood flow throughout your little one's body, causing extra energy and alertness.

Betty Khan
Betty Khan

Wannabe web geek. Lifelong entrepreneur. Freelance bacon expert. Avid zombie nerd. Extreme bacon scholar.